Alright *clears spider webs* i'm supa sorry for neglecting this precious space of mine but i can't help it.. i'm way too busy!!!!!!!!!!!! :(
I'm sorry readers, i know ton's of you must have zao to other places alr but oh well, at least i updated this rotting space of mine hehehe.
ok well, chalet that night at dte caught up with jiayang. ages since i saw him.. ok not quite!!! he picked me up from work 5 days ago? Nathson was 2 in a row followed by quan long hehehe. I hate to be lonely after work!!! Made a new work mate: derrick, funny guy. :)
Day 1 - Caught a movie with sh, elvin, wh, babygirl at 9pm. we caught blood pledge. corked up show!! rated 3/5 hahahaha. 3/4 of the movie was funny and the 1/4 was crap. NO LINK. whr got people pretend to die one and why is it related to blood? -catch no balls-
Gerald and co came down aftermath and we caught the show despicable me!! AWESOME show kekeke. Rated 5/5. I love agnes and the lil light sticks omfg!!!!!! :D
Day 2 - Headed to alize's chalet and met gerald and co, played some stupid card game and my hand got whacked for numerous amounts of time. Like a pain only. :( hands were red and swollen after i left.
Met up with nathson at my void deck and he got two huge packets of meow food. supa adorable hehehe. made that silly boy wait for aprox 30 minutes. I-am-so-sorry!!!!! Well..... thanks for the night silly hehehe. fed 29 stray cats and headed home at 6am!! :)
Today: Went to tamp with bbg and gerald and 1 unknown. slacked at LJS and i got a unicorn for that someone hehehe. Played with BBG's yellow chick and cabbed to cine aftermath. Caught a movie with zy daddy and co at cine, woots it's been cinema week for this whole week and i'm catching twilight tml with nathson hehehe. ^^
(FYI, shihao is being retarded at MSN right now. hell its 5.30am.)
Daddy was sweet enough to wait for me for 40 minutes!!! he bought popcorn and drinks too hehehe + he paid for my tickets. like a real dad only. *inserts heart shapes* Caught predator and i understand no shit cuz i was late for 40 minutes. Only knew that the aliens were cool!! (Y)
Went back home with a girl named gladys and oh well i ended my monday perfectly well. can't wait for tomorrow night hehehe. might be heading to kbox after the movie. PLUS i need a job, booo hooo!!!! fucking boss sacked me cuz i was too young. Like fuck only.
Oh yes, i've decided to follow my brains this time round!! woots no more regrets! promised that someone to be happy alr hehehe *wink* ok comment nice and click on my nuffies. I'm piling my comments up to 200 jiayou!